Dart DocumentationdiInjector

Injector class

class Injector {

  * Name of the injector or null of none is given.
 final String name;

 static const List<Type> _PRIMITIVE_TYPES = const <Type>[
   num, int, double, String, bool

  * Returns the parent injector or null if root.
 final Injector parent;

 Injector _root;

 Map<Type, _Provider> _providers = <Type, _Provider>{};

 final Map<Type, Object> instances = <Type, Object>{};

 final List<Type> resolving = <Type>[];

 final bool allowImplicitInjection;

 Iterable<Type> _typesCache;

  * List of all types which the injector can return
 Iterable<Type> get _types {
   if (_typesCache == null) {
     _typesCache = _providers.keys;
   return _typesCache;

 Injector({List<Module> modules, String name,
          bool allowImplicitInjection: false})
     : this.fromParent(modules, null,
         name: name, allowImplicitInjection: allowImplicitInjection);

 Injector.fromParent(List<Module> modules,
     Injector this.parent, {this.name, this.allowImplicitInjection}) {
   _root = parent == null ? this : parent._root;
   if (modules != null) {
     modules.forEach((module) {
   _providers[Injector] = new _ValueProvider(this);

 Injector get root => _root;

 Set<Type> get types {
   var types = new Set.from(_types);
   var parent = this.parent;
   while (parent != null) {
     parent = parent.parent;
   return types;

 String _error(message, [appendDependency]) {
   if (appendDependency != null) {

   String graph = resolving.join(' -> ');


   return '$message (resolving $graph)';

 dynamic _getInstanceByType(Type typeName, Injector requester) {

   if (resolving.contains(typeName)) {
     throw new CircularDependencyError(
         _error('Cannot resolve a circular dependency!', typeName));

   var providerWithInjector = _getProviderWithInjectorForType(typeName);
   var provider = providerWithInjector.provider;
   var injector = providerWithInjector.injector;
   var visible = provider.visibility != null ?
       provider.visibility(requester, injector) :
       _defaultVisibility(requester, injector);

   if (visible && instances.containsKey(typeName)) {
     return instances[typeName];

   if (providerWithInjector.injector != this || !visible) {
     if (!visible) {
       if (injector.parent == null) {
         throw new NoProviderError(
             _error('No provider found for ${typeName}!', typeName));
       injector =
     return injector._getInstanceByType(typeName, requester);

   var value;
   try {
     var strategy = provider.creationStrategy != null ?
         provider.creationStrategy : _defaultCreationStrategy;
     value = strategy(requester, injector, () {
       var val = provider.get(this, requester, _getInstanceByType, _error);
       return val;
   } catch(e) {

   // cache the value.
   providerWithInjector.injector.instances[typeName] = value;
   return value;

 /// Returns a pair for provider and the injector where it's defined.
 _ProviderWithDefiningInjector _getProviderWithInjectorForType(Type typeName) {
   if (_providers.containsKey(typeName)) {
     return new _ProviderWithDefiningInjector(_providers[typeName], this);

   if (parent != null) {
     return parent._getProviderWithInjectorForType(typeName);

   if (allowImplicitInjection) {
     return new _ProviderWithDefiningInjector(
         new _TypeProvider(typeName), this);

   throw new NoProviderError(_error('No provider found for '
       '${typeName}!', typeName));

 void _checkTypeConditions(Type typeName) {
   if (_PRIMITIVE_TYPES.contains(typeName)) {
     throw new NoProviderError(_error('Cannot inject a primitive type '
         'of $typeName!', typeName));


  * Get an instance for given token ([Type]).
  * If the injector already has an instance for this token, it returns this
  * instance. Otherwise, injector resolves all its dependencies, instantiate
  * new instance and returns this instance.
  * If there is no binding for given token, injector asks parent injector.
  * If there is no parent injector, an implicit binding is used. That is,
  * the token ([Type]) is instantiated.
 dynamic get(Type type) => _getInstanceByType(type, this);

  * Create a child injector.
  * Child injector can override any bindings by adding additional modules.
  * It also accepts a list of tokens that a new instance should be forced.
  * That means, even if some parent injector already has an instance for this
  * token, there will be a new instance created in the child injector.
 Injector createChild(List<Module> modules,
                      {List<Type> forceNewInstances, String name}) {
   if (forceNewInstances != null) {
     Module forceNew = new Module();
     forceNewInstances.forEach((type) {
       var providerWithInjector = _getProviderWithInjectorForType(type);
       var provider = providerWithInjector.provider;
           (Injector inj) => provider.get(this, inj, inj._getInstanceByType,
           creation: provider.creationStrategy,
           visibility: provider.visibility);

     modules = modules.toList(); // clone

   return newFromParent(modules, name);

 newFromParent(List<Module> modules, String name) {
   throw new UnimplementedError('This method must be overriden.');

 Object newInstanceOf(Type type, ObjectFactory factory, Injector requestor,
                      errorHandler(message, [appendDependency])) {
   throw new UnimplementedError('This method must be overriden.');




new Injector({List<Module> modules, String name, bool allowImplicitInjection: false}) #

Creates a new Object instance.

Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.

docs inherited from Object
Injector({List<Module> modules, String name,
        bool allowImplicitInjection: false})
   : this.fromParent(modules, null,
       name: name, allowImplicitInjection: allowImplicitInjection);

new Injector.fromParent(List<Module> modules, Injector parent, {String name, bool allowImplicitInjection}) #

Injector.fromParent(List<Module> modules,
   Injector this.parent, {this.name, this.allowImplicitInjection}) {
 _root = parent == null ? this : parent._root;
 if (modules != null) {
   modules.forEach((module) {
 _providers[Injector] = new _ValueProvider(this);


final bool allowImplicitInjection #

final bool allowImplicitInjection

final Map<Type, Object> instances #

final Map<Type, Object> instances = <Type, Object>{}

final String name #

Name of the injector or null of none is given.

final String name

final Injector parent #

Returns the parent injector or null if root.

final Injector parent

final List<Type> resolving #

final List<Type> resolving = <Type>[]

final Injector root #

Injector get root => _root;

final Set<Type> types #

Set<Type> get types {
 var types = new Set.from(_types);
 var parent = this.parent;
 while (parent != null) {
   parent = parent.parent;
 return types;


Injector createChild(List<Module> modules, {List<Type> forceNewInstances, String name}) #

Create a child injector.

Child injector can override any bindings by adding additional modules.

It also accepts a list of tokens that a new instance should be forced. That means, even if some parent injector already has an instance for this token, there will be a new instance created in the child injector.

Injector createChild(List<Module> modules,
                    {List<Type> forceNewInstances, String name}) {
 if (forceNewInstances != null) {
   Module forceNew = new Module();
   forceNewInstances.forEach((type) {
     var providerWithInjector = _getProviderWithInjectorForType(type);
     var provider = providerWithInjector.provider;
         (Injector inj) => provider.get(this, inj, inj._getInstanceByType,
         creation: provider.creationStrategy,
         visibility: provider.visibility);

   modules = modules.toList(); // clone

 return newFromParent(modules, name);

dynamic get(Type type) #

Get an instance for given token (Type).

If the injector already has an instance for this token, it returns this instance. Otherwise, injector resolves all its dependencies, instantiate new instance and returns this instance.

If there is no binding for given token, injector asks parent injector.

If there is no parent injector, an implicit binding is used. That is, the token (Type) is instantiated.

dynamic get(Type type) => _getInstanceByType(type, this);

dynamic newFromParent(List<Module> modules, String name) #

newFromParent(List<Module> modules, String name) {
 throw new UnimplementedError('This method must be overriden.');

Object newInstanceOf(Type type, ObjectFactory factory, Injector requestor, errorHandler(message, [appendDependency])) #

Object newInstanceOf(Type type, ObjectFactory factory, Injector requestor,
                    errorHandler(message, [appendDependency])) {
 throw new UnimplementedError('This method must be overriden.');