new Element.WithContent(tagName)
element.js, line 76
Name | Type | Description |
tagName |
string |
Name Type Description options
Object Returns:
Type Description Element -
inherited attr()
prototypes/dom.js, line 42 -
Prefer use of Element#getAttribute and Element#setAttribute
.attr(values) .attr(name, value) .attr(name)
inherited child(element){HTMLElement}
prototypes/dom_traversing.js, line 15 -
Returns the element's child[number] node
Name Type Description element
HTMLElement Returns:
Type Description HTMLElement -
inherited empty()
prototypes/dom_manipulation.js, line 22 -
Remove the children's element
inherited fadeIn(options){AnimationPlayer}
prototypes/animations.js, line 48 -
Animate the opacity from 1 to 0
Name Type Description options
Object Returns:
Type Description AnimationPlayer -
inherited fadeOut(options){AnimationPlayer}
prototypes/animations.js, line 36 -
Animate the opacity from 0 to 1
Name Type Description options
Object Returns:
Type Description AnimationPlayer -
inherited getAttribute(attributeName){string}
prototypes/dom.js, line 168 -
Get an attribute of an element
Name Type Description attributeName
string Returns:
Type Description string -
inherited getHtml(){String|null}
prototypes/dom.js, line 140 -
Get the inner content as html
Type Description String | null -
inherited getProperty(propertyName){*}
prototypes/dom.js, line 177 -
Get a property of an element
Name Type Description propertyName
string Returns:
Type Description * -
inherited getText(){String|null}
prototypes/dom.js, line 148 -
Get the inner content as text
Type Description String | null -
inherited getValue(){*}
prototypes/dom.js, line 132 -
Get the value of an element
Type Description * -
inherited hide()
prototypes/visibility.js, line 21 -
Hide the element (add the class .hidden)
inherited isVisible()
prototypes/visibility.js, line 53 -
Return if an element's visibility
inherited next(element){HTMLElement}
prototypes/dom_traversing.js, line 24 -
Returns the element's next sibling
Name Type Description element
HTMLElement Returns:
Type Description HTMLElement -
inherited on(eventNames, selector, listener)
prototypes/events.js, line 129 -
Register a listener for a space separated list of events
Name Type Description eventNames
String selector
String optional listener
function -
inherited once(eventNames, selector, listener)
prototypes/events.js, line 178 -
Register a listener for a space separated list of events
Name Type Description eventNames
String selector
String optional listener
function Example
Example usage of on with a button.
$('#my-button').on('click', (event) => { console.log(event.$element, event.$target); }
inherited onDelayed(delay, eventNames, selector, listener)
prototypes/events.js, line 290 -
Register a delayed listener for a space separated list of events Usefull for key typing events
Name Type Description delay
Number eventNames
String selector
String optional listener
function Example
Example usage of onDelayed.
$('#input-search').onDelayed(200, 'keyup', (event) => { console.log(event.$element.getValue() }
inherited parent(element){HTMLElement}
prototypes/dom_traversing.js, line 6 -
Returns the element's parent node
Name Type Description element
HTMLElement Returns:
Type Description HTMLElement -
inherited previous(element){HTMLElement}
prototypes/dom_traversing.js, line 33 -
Returns the element's previous sibling
Name Type Description element
HTMLElement Returns:
Type Description HTMLElement -
inherited prop()
prototypes/dom.js, line 54 -
Prefer use of Element#getProperty and Element#setProperty
.prop(properties) .prop(name, value) .prop(name)
inherited remove()
prototypes/dom_manipulation.js, line 5 -
Remove the element from the DOM
Remove an attribute of an element
Name Type Description attributeName
string Returns:
Type Description Element -
Set value
Name Type Description value
string Returns:
Type Description Element -
inherited show()
prototypes/visibility.js, line 5 -
Show the element (remove the class .hidden)
inherited stop(element, options){AnimationPlayer}
prototypes/animations.js, line 60 -
Stop any animations for the element
Name Type Description element
HTMLElement options
Object Returns:
Type Description AnimationPlayer -
inherited style()
prototypes/dom.js, line 66 -
Prefer use of Element#getStyle and Element#setStyle
.style(properties) .style(name, value) .style(name)
inherited timeout()
element_prototype_and_array_prototype.js, line 24 -
.timeout(delay, callback($element))
inherited toggle()
prototypes/visibility.js, line 37 -
Toggle an element's visibility using the hidden class