new ElementsArray()
elements_array.js, line 9
Represents a list of elements
Name Type Description length
int of the array
elements_array.js, line 92 -
Executes a callback once per array element
$elements._forEach(function(element) { elements.addClass(element, 'someClass'); });
Name Type Description callback
function -
elements_array.js, line 117 -
The _map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in this array.
$elements._map(function(element) { return elements.getAttribute(element, 'data-view'); });
Name Type Description callback
function -
elements_array.js, line 103 -
Push an element in this array
Name Type Description element
HTMLEement -
prototypes/dom.js, line 9 -
Prefer use of ElementsArray#getAttribute and ElementsArray#setAttribute
.attr(values) .attr(name, value)
prototypes/dom_manipulation.js, line 30 -
Remove the children's elements
elements_array.js, line 29 -
Executes a callback once per array element
$elements.forEach(function($element) { $element.addClass('someClass'); });
Name Type Description callback
function Returns:
Type Description ElementsArray return this -
prototypes/visibility.js, line 29 -
Hide the elements (add the class .hidden)
prototypes/visibility.js, line 61 -
Return a map of element's visibility
elements_array.js, line 73 -
The map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in this array.
$$element) { return $element.getAttribute('data-view'); });
Name Type Description callback
function -
on(eventNames, selector, listener)
prototypes/events.js, line 138 -
Register a listener for a space separated list of events
Name Type Description eventNames
String selector
String optional listener
function -
once(eventNames, selector, listener)
prototypes/events.js, line 192 -
Register a listener for a space separated list of events
Name Type Description eventNames
String selector
String optional listener
function Example
Example usage of on with a button.
$('#my-button').on('click', (event) => { console.log(event.$element, event.$target); }
onDelayed(delay, throttle, eventNames, selector, listener)
prototypes/events.js, line 307 -
Register a delayed listener for a space separated list of events Usefull for key typing events
Name Type Default Description delay
Number throttle
Number false optional eventNames
String selector
String optional listener
function Example
Example usage of onDelayed.
$('#input-search').onDelayed(200, 'keyup', (event) => { console.log(event.$element.getValue() }
prototypes/dom.js, line 20 -
Prefer use of ElementsArray#getProperty and ElementsArray#setProperty
.prop(properties) .prop(name, value)
prototypes/dom_manipulation.js, line 14 -
Remove the elements from the DOM
prototypes/visibility.js, line 13 -
Show the elements (remove the class .hidden)
elements_array.js, line 49 -
Return a new ElementsArray with elements wich passed the tests implemented by the provided function.
$elements.some(function($element) { return $element.hasClass('someClass'); });
Name Type Description callback
function Returns:
Type Description ElementsArray a new {ElementsArray} -
prototypes/dom.js, line 31 -
Prefer use of ElementsArray#getStyle and ElementsArray#setStyle
.style(properties) .style(name, value)
element_prototype_and_array_prototype.js, line 40 -
.timeout(delay, callback($elements))
prototypes/visibility.js, line 45 -
Toggle an element's visibility using the hidden class